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Does Local 464 have a toll free phone number?

• Yes, call 1-888-337-3338.

What are my Union dues used for?

Your dues are used for many things including:

* Organizing expenses

* Legal fees associated with running the Local

* Training

* Negotiation of your Collective Agreement

* Training of your Shop Stewards

* Recruitment of new members

* Your strike fund

* Communication with members

* Organization of meetings allowing Teamsters to present ideas and views to companies

How are dues calculated?

Teamsters Union dues are 2.5 times the hourly wage rate plus two dollars [for the strike fund] per month.  However, if you make less than $11 an hour, then your dues rate is 2 times your hourly rate plus two dollars.

How does the Union work out problems with management?

Conflicts are worked out through the grievance procedure. Your Collective Agreement spells out what the grievance procedures are for your work place and explains how conflicts are resolved.

How do I get a copy of my Collective Agreement?

There are several sources for your Collective Agreement: your employer and Shop Steward should have a copy of your Agreement or you can contact the Union office and we will provide you with a copy. 

What kind of say do I get in the contract?

Before contract talks start, the Union asks you what you’d like to see in a contract. Once the contract has been negotiated, it’s submitted to you and your coworkers for ratification.

Who qualifies for reduced dues and how do I apply for them?

Reduced dues are granted on request from members who are off sick for an extended period, but not receiving Workers Compensation payments. Dues will be reduced to half the usual rate plus two dollars [for the strike fund] the month following the request. [Click here to request reduced dues]

When requesting reduced dues we need your first and last name, the company you work for and date of the last day you worked. It would also be helpful if you could let us know how long you believe you will be off for.

What is a Withdrawal Card and how do I get one?

It is important to ask for a Withdrawal Card from the Local Union if you do not work and are not being paid by your Employer.  This applies if you terminate your employment or are laid off.

Members must request a Withdrawal Card. Failure to request a Withdrawal Card will make you responsible for all back dues and possibly a re-initiation fee.

Your request should be submitted before the end of the month in which you last worked. A Withdrawal Card allows a member to maintain membership on an inactive basis. In other words, you will not owe Union dues for any months you did not work after you obtain the Withdrawal Card. Additionally; this allows you to avoid paying a re-initiation fee when you return to employment. [Click here to request a Withdrawal Card]

When requesting a Withdrawal Card please provide us with your Social Insurance number, first and last name, the company you work for and the date of the last day you worked.

What is the Death Benefit and how do I apply or change my beneficiary?

Active, dues paying members of Teamsters 464  are covered by a $2000.00 death benefit. This benefit is paid to the named beneficiary were the member to die while still actively employed. It is important to keep the name of your beneficiary up to date. If you get married, divorced or have children you may want to update your beneficiary [Click here to update your beneficiary].

I am retiring soon, why do I need to contact the Union?

Congratulations! Contact our office so we can send out your Withdrawal Card. [Click here to notify us]

BC FORUM, the BC Federation of Retired Union members, offers advocacy and support as well as benefit plans for retired union workers.


"I was employed for many years at a Teamster company that was shut down due to the economy. Because of my age, I was worried about starting over. Bobby, Bob and Paul not only negotiated a much better severance package than was in the contract, but they also went the extra mile and got me on at one of their other companies with an even better contract.They continued to help me even though it wasn't their job to."

- Armando Borean

For 35 years I have been a Teamster and a Dairyworker, I was a young kid needing a job in tough economic times. I found a place to work and make a living, I learned to work together with others having varying and different backgrounds than my own.

Much has changed for me personally and professionally, I got married to my beautiful wife of almost 25 years and we have raised two amazing children, both of whom are presently studying abroad. Both of my children were recipients of Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Funding.

So much of my success I can credit to having a well paying union job. The Teamsters have been a great union for me, negotiating strong collective agreements that held good wage and benefit packages as well as the cornerstone beliefs of seniority and workers’ rights. The Teamsters gave me a good wage and a voice.

I have always been an active Teamster, and now I sit on Local 464's Executive Board.

There can be a great degree of personal feelings when the word union is mentioned, but so often I look at professional associations and realize the name may be different, but the thought is the same...strength in numbers.

As I get toward the end of my career, I look forward to the thought of receiving the Teamsters Canada Pension Plan, and I am so grateful for the belief others had before me that Teamsters deserved a good and decent retirement...thank you.


- Drew Speirs

"I was a Shop Steward and was also on the contract negotiation team. The Union took the time and trouble to learn all about our industry and what we do. This means they are better able to fight for us whether it is on the job or at the bargaining table. We have the best contract in our industry. Thanks guys!"

- Gerald Price - Agrifoods